The International Day of Friendship, which is celebrated on July 30th, was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly. The idea is that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures, and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.

The resolution emphasises involving young people as future leaders in community activities that include different cultures and promote international understanding and respect for diversity.

To mark the International Day of Friendship, the UN encourages governments, international organisations, and civil society groups to hold events, activities, and initiatives that contribute to the international community’s efforts to promote dialogue among civilisations, solidarity, mutual understanding, and reconciliation. (from United Nations Organisation-Day of Friendship)

Room 21 Assembly

Room 21 Part of Assembly Speeches

Room 21 Part of Assembly Speeches

Room 21 Assembly Song

Room 21 Assembly Song

Download for Room 21 Parents Only

On the 1st of August, our students made us incredibly proud during our school assembly, where they showcased their talents in honour of International Friendship Day. The day’s theme resonated through their flawless performances, with each student delivering their lines with perfect diction and heartfelt expression. Their voices rang clear, captivating everyone in the undercover area.

Our students sang beautifully, hitting all the right notes and performing the accompanying actions seamlessly—without the need for direction. Those holding props were right on cue, executing their roles with precision and confidence. The audience was so mesmerised that you could feel the hush of attention throughout the assembly.

We were thrilled to receive glowing feedback from our principal, Mr. Holmes, and from many of you who took the time to share your kind words after the event. Throughout the day, teachers and Education Assistants stopped to compliment the students on their outstanding performance.

When you watch the assembly video, we are sure you’ll share in our pride for all our students. A heartfelt thank you for encouraging your children to practise their parts—it truly paid off!

written by Mrs Rodricks, Mrs Burke, Miss Wright & Mrs Vann
