In-term swimming lessons for PP-Year 3 students are an integral part of the Department of Education’s Physical Education Program with the Department of Education covering the costs of the swimming tuition. Parents only pay for pool entry and transport by bus. The following are the arrangements for in-term swimming lessons for our Pre-Primary to Year 3 students.
Permission, Medical & Stage Form Download (PDF)
Payments & Forms
- For organisational purposes, could all forms be filled in and returned, along with a money payment of $51.00, to the front office no later than FRIDAY, 28th OCTOBER. However, earlier would be appreciated to assist with organisation.
- Money is to be paid to the school by EFTPOS and Qkr App.
Spectators will be charged $2.00 for each visit to the pool unless you have organised with the school you are attending to supervise your child on medical grounds.