P&C Association Meeting
The Parents & Citizens' Meeting is held in the staffroom.
The Parents & Citizens' Meeting is held in the staffroom.
Staff Meeting Curriculum - 18th October- 3:15 to 5:15pm Staff Meeting Agenda - 9th November - 3:15-4:15pm Staff Meeting Curriculum - 24th November- 3:15 to 5:15pm
If you would like more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Jeff at FCPSthefatheringproject@gmail.com or log into the Fathering Project website at www.thefatheringproject.org to join our Forest Crescent […]
More information to follow
2023 Kindy A Groups Open Afternoon 29th November- 3:30pm to 4pm 2023 Kindy B Groups Open Afternoon 1st December- 3:30pm to 4pm More information to follow closer to the date
A short Pre-Kindy orientation program is available for our incoming 2023 Kindergarten students. We meet for one hour on a Wednesday morning for six weeks during Term 4. The purpose of this program is to give you and your child the opportunity to meet and play in one of our kindergarten classes before starting in […]
The FCPS School Board Meeting will be held in the staffroom.
Foodbank Donation Drive donations are to be handed into the relevant wet areas by Wednesday 30th November (week 8), ready for the senior assembly on Thursday 1st December. We are […]
2023 Kindy A Groups Open Afternoon 29th November- 3:30pm to 4pm 2023 Kindy B Groups Open Afternoon 1st December- 3:30pm to 4pm More information to follow closer to the date
Teachers bring out their class for your allocated time period where you can be involved in games to win prizes. They will need their hat with them and money from […]
A short Pre-Kindy orientation program is available for our incoming 2023 Kindergarten students. We meet for one hour on a Wednesday morning for six weeks during Term 4. The purpose of this program is to give you and your child the opportunity to meet and play in one of our kindergarten classes before starting in […]
Students attend classrooms at 5:45 pm, where they get changed and organised. Teachers are bringing classrooms out to the stage area to be seated for the official ceremony to start […]