The following information is for parents/guardians who have a child in Year 3 or Year 5 this year. Students will be sitting NAPLAN 2021 starting in Week 4, Tuesday 11th May, with the NAPLAN window open until Week 5, Friday 21st May. Students whose parents have applied for withdrawal, in consultation with the school, will not be sitting all or some of the NAPLAN assessments. NAPLAN assessments are scheduled in a specific order and held in the Library with a dedicated LAN network.

More information about NAPLAN for parents is contained below, however, all parents should have received a hard copy of “NAPLAN Online-information for parents and carers” by the end of Week 6. If you didn’t receive it or misplaced your copy you can download a copy here. In addition, please take your time to read the information below, with most parts taken from the NAPLAN website. Please note, Mrs Rankine (EALD Support) is sending out the “NAPLAN Online-Information for Parents” in differing language formats for our EALD families. You can access these documents from here as well.

Download NAPLAN Online-information for parents

Below is the mandated NAPLAN assessment sequence.

Download PDF of NAPLAN Assessment Sequence

NAPLAN Online test window

The NAPLAN Online test window is nine days. Day 1 is a Tuesday and Day 9 is the Friday of the following week.

The writing test must be completed within a two-day test window and schools must schedule writing from the first day of the appropriate two-day test window. For Year 5, the writing window is day 1 and 2.

The tests need to be taken in a specific order.

For Years 3 and 5, the online test sequence is as follows:

  1. Writing (paper for Year 3 only)
  2. Reading
  3. Conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
  4. Numeracy.

Individual students are not permitted to sit the online tests after Day 9.


Scheduling requirements

  • Year 3 students do a paper-based writing test (on day 1 only)
  • Year 5 must start on day 1 (schools must prioritise completion of writing across days 1 and 2 only)


  • Year 3: 40 minutes
  • Year 5: 42 minutes

Test description

  • Students are provided with a ‘writing stimulus’ (sometimes called a ‘prompt’ – an idea or topic) and asked to write a response in a particular genre (narrative or persuasive writing)


Scheduling requirements

  • To be completed before the conventions of language test


  • Year 3: 45 minutes
  • Year 5: 50 minutes

Test description

  • Students read a range of informative, imaginative and persuasive texts and then answer related questions

Conventions of Language

Scheduling requirements

  • To be completed after the reading test


  • Year 3: 45 minutes
  • Year 5: 45 minutes

Test description

  • This test assesses spelling, grammar and punctuation


Scheduling requirements

  • To be completed after the conventions of language test


  • Year 3: 45 minutes
  • Year 5: 50 minutes

Test description

  • This test assesses number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability

Each student must complete the reading test before they sit the conventions of language test.

Familiarising the Year 3 & 5 Students with NAPLAN

Year 3 and Year 5 students will go through a familiarisation process before the Term 1 holidays; each class to complete a practice online omnibus test-no results are recorded, though if you as a parent would like to see a demonstration site of what your child will be engaging with, you can click on the public demonstration site 

All students in the school are familiar with the process of online assessments as they have had experience with ACER online Numeracy and Reading assessments since Year 1- known as PAT Maths and Comprehension assessments that are conducted annually and is part of Forest Crescent Primary School’s assessment platform for numeracy and literacy.

The demonstration tests cover a sample of possible questions and do not reflect the range of literacy and numeracy content or skills NAPLAN Online will assess.

ACARA`s NAPLAN Online website has an in-depth ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section that is helpful to families. This can be accessed through the link

A downloadable copy of how our NAPLAN assessment will be scheduled at our school is available in Term 2. Whilst previous load testing of our network has determined that our proposed schedule can be accommodated, it may end up with assessment sessions changing due to technical issues with the network or other circumstances. If this does happen, then parents will be advised of any changes.

Don’t Overprepare for NAPLAN

NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already learnt through the school curriculum. Teachers will ensure that students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Excessive preparation is not useful and can lead to unnecessary anxiety. If you have any questions about your child’s preparation for NAPLAN, please make time to speak with your child’s teacher.

NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learnt over time through the school curriculum, and NAPLAN test days should be treated as just another routine event on the school calendar. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure them that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program and to advise them to simply do the best they can on the day.

ACARA does not recommend the use of commercial products, such as booklets and practise tests, to help your child prepare for NAPLAN tests. None of the commercial products currently on the market were endorsed by ACARA. The use of services by coaching providers is not recommended.

To help prepare your child please ensure they have a good night’s sleep, a suitable breakfast and arrive on time at school, as some classes will be setting up for the testing session at 8:45am in the library

Participating in NAPLAN

All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in NAPLAN tests. NAPLAN tests give you information on how your child is progressing against national standards. This information can be used to identify areas in which your child may benefit from additional assistance. NAPLAN does not replace but rather complements assessments run by your child’s classroom teacher throughout the year.

Adjustments can be provided for students with disability to enable them to access the tests on an equivalent basis to students without disability.

Some students who have been attending school in Australia for less than a year before the tests may also be eligible for exemption. Exemptions should be discussed with your child’s school.

Parents or carers may withdraw their child from the tests to address issues such as religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing. It is recommended that withdrawal be considered in consultation with your child’s school. States and territories have different ways of managing student withdrawals, but formal notification must be received by the school principal prior to testing.

Wherever possible, schools will organise for individual students who are absent at the time of testing to complete missed tests at another time during the test window.

Detailed information about exemptions, withdrawals and absences from NAPLAN can be found in the Student participation section of this website.

Adjustments for students with disability

ACARA encourages students to participate in NAPLAN tests based on their needs identified through the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on school students with disability (NCCD). Adjustments are available in NAPLAN tests for students with disability to support students’ access to the tests.

Adjustments should reflect similar support and assistance provided in the classroom for assessment activities. An example might be a NAPLAN support person recording an answer at the direction of the student. However, not all adjustments provided in a classroom setting are applicable for NAPLAN.

ACARA has developed a number of scenarios to explain some of the available adjustments for students with disability. Please note these scenarios are examples only.

A student may be granted access to multiple adjustments based on their needs, and adjustments may be different for each NAPLAN test. For example, the adjustment(s) approved for the NAPLAN reading test may be different from the adjustment(s) approved for the NAPLAN writing test.

Some students with significant intellectual disability and/or students with significant coexisting conditions, which severely limit their capacity to participate in the tests, may be exempted from sitting the tests.

Parents of students with disability should meet with their child’s teacher and discuss the adjustments that may be suitable for their child.

ACARA believes the best preparation for NAPLAN is instruction in the literacy and numeracy content in the Australian Curriculum. We do not encourage excessive drilling or cramming.

If you want to help your child feel comfortable with the kinds of questions in a NAPLAN test, you can view past NAPLAN papers and answers for practice or visit the NAPLAN Online public demonstration site.

Access to NAPLAN test papers and answers

If you have any queries about NAPLAN either, have a chat with your child’s teacher or Mr Combes (Deputy Principal-Coordinator of NAPLAN 2021)