The following are the arrangements for in-term-swimming lessons for Year 4-6 students.

(Tuesday 8th June to Friday 18th June @ Gosnells Leisure World- 9 sessions)

At this point, swimming lessons will still go ahead, with parents/guardians alerted to any changes depending on health restrictions

In-term swimming lessons for Year 4-6 students is an integral part of the Department of Education’s Physical Education Program, with the Department of Education covering the costs of the swimming tuition. Parents only pay for pool entry and transport by bus.

Parents should also be aware that many high schools offer electives in which a level of swimming proficiency is required to participate. Primary school, in-term swimming classes, provide the best opportunity for students to advance their swimming skills.

The following package includes three forms that need to be completed and returned to your class teacher, specifically;

Parent Permission Form, Student Health Form, and In-term Swimming Enrolment Form 

Download Swimming Package

The latter form, used by the swimming instructors, will be handed over to the centre at the commencement of the swimming program. The forms, “Student Health Form & Parent Permission Form”, are retained by the school for our organisational needs.

For organisational purposes, prompt completion of forms would be appreciated, with all forms to be filled in and returned, along with money, to the front office no later than Friday 21st May 2021 (Money to be paid to the school either by EFTPOS, direct debit, or money envelope).

All students’ details need to be filled in on separate forms; please do not combine all siblings’ details on one form.

The swimming schedule & group details will be passed onto class teachers and posted on our website under calendar details closer to swimming sessions. This will also include details about which swimming groups won’t be able to purchase recess from the canteen and will need to bring a light snack from home.
