Book Week Parade 2024 Report

The Book Week Parade of 2024, 22nd August was once again a highlight of our school year, even though the weather added a bit of extra drama to the day! It is a vital part of our school’s calendar, allowing us to celebrate and promote the importance of reading. This year’s theme, Reading Is Magic, was embraced with enthusiasm by both students and staff, and it was wonderful to see everyone’s love for literacy on full display.

The creativity and variety of costumes were truly remarkable, and I am in awe of the imagination and effort shown by many of our parents, staff, and students. The parade brought the school together, with everyone enjoying the magical atmosphere created by the diverse and inventive costumes.

A special thank you goes to Mrs. Wybenga and her Literacy Committee for their outstanding coordination of the event. Miss Auld was a fantastic announcer, bringing energy and excitement to the parade. Ms. Britten kept the mood lively with her music selections, and we are grateful to Mrs. Burke and Miss Sandhu for capturing the event with their many photos, preserving these magical memories.

Why Do Children Need Books?

Books play a crucial role in a child’s development for many reasons:

  • Creating Emotional Bonds: Reading together helps foster warm emotional connections between adults and children, building trust and shared experiences.
  • Language Development: Books help children develop essential language skills and profoundly expand their vocabularies.
  • Encouraging Critical Thinking: Books, whether fiction or non-fiction, encourage children to think and engage with the world, broadening their understanding.
  • Providing Entertainment and Escape: Books entertain, offer a fantastic escape into different worlds, and inspire creativity and imagination.
  • Inspiring Dreams: Books ignite inspiration, fueling the dreams and aspirations of young readers.

Our school’s 2024 NAPLAN data is a testament to the success of our literacy teaching and learning programs. It reflects the hard work of our staff, the dedication of our students, and the support provided to those students identified as needing additional assistance. With targeted literacy support, we are proud to help all our students reach their full potential.

In conclusion, the 2024 Book Week Parade was not only a celebration of reading but also a reflection of our school’s commitment to fostering a love for literacy. Through events like these, we continue to nurture a lifelong passion for books in our students.

Book Week 2024 Gallery

Click on images to view. Students who have no media permission for public photos have been pixelated. Please let the school know if your child is featured when permission isn’t granted.
