Welcome to our Fathers’ Day Fun Run. To help the afternoon lunch and run go smoothly here is some information;
- Parents have a shared duty of care for their child whilst at lunch (1:00-1:50pm), whether on the oval or in play areas.
- On the siren (at 1:50pm) the parents return to the class, with their child, and then walk with them to each classroom’s starting point.
- Start of fun run is 2:00pm. A whistle and music will sound for the start.
- Please run in a CLOCKWISE DIRECTION from your starting point staying within the cones marking the course.
- Parents can run with their child, but if the parent moves off to another child they must leave their child running in the correct run, and notify the class teacher that you are “handing” your child back to them.
- After 30 minutes the fun run will conclude, signalled by a whistle and the music stopping. Students will return to the stage area with their class for a quick thankyou and windup.
- After the windup, students must return with their class teachers to their rooms before the parents can collect their child.
**If weather does affect the Fun Run, then lunch will still go ahead and alternate arrangements for the Fun Run will be sent via the FCPS School App and here on the website