Zero to Hero Program
Forest Crescent Primary School 83 Forest Crescent, Thornlie, WA, AustraliaSelected Year 5 & 6 students to be attending the program.
Selected Year 5 & 6 students to be attending the program.
Room 17 presents their item, and Aussies of the Month are awarded. All parents would have been notified verbally if their child was to be awarded Aussie of the Month, […]
Technical Rehearsal, to be held at Perth Concert Hall on 14th September for Choir Students who are performing in the Massed Choir Festival at Perth Concert Hall.
Students are to be dropped off at Forest Crescent PS by 4:30pm. The bus leaves at 4:45pm Performance Rehearsal: TBA Performance: TBA Parents take students home after the concert
Information sessions for Year 6 parents about the Year 6 Camp held in the staffroom
Selected Year 5 & 6 students to be attending the program.
Rooms 18 presents their item, and Honour Certificates are awarded. All honour certificate recipients would have had an email and/or an SMS message sent.