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Open Night 2022

An opportunity for parents to come and visit the school to see their children's progress. All classes are open for viewing,  Kindy, all Pre-primary classes and Year 1 to Year […]

Rainbows Party

Students who have been part of the Rainbows group have a get-together in the staffroom. Talk to Mrs Cann, Mrs Parrish and Mrs Hudson for more details.

Edudance Concert 1

Concert for classes in Week 9, Wednesday 14th September Students to bring their costumes, rehearsal in the mornings The concert starts at 1:55pm in the undercover area.  Could all audience […]

Edudance Concert 2

Concert for classes in Week 10, Monday 19th September Students to bring their costumes, rehearsal in the mornings The concert starts at 1:55pm in the undercover area.  Could all audience […]

Edudance Concert 3

Concert for classes in Week 10, Wednesday 21st September Students to bring their costumes, rehearsal in the mornings The concert starts at 1:55pm in the undercover area.  Could all audience […]

Athletics Jumps & Throws 2022

Students represent their faction in middle-distance running, throws and jumps. Please see below a timetable for Jumps and Throws being held on Tuesday 11th October.  Only students who received a […]