Uniform Shop Open
Uniform Shop provides a complete range of new and second-hand clothing. The Uniform Shop is open from 8:15 am to 9:15 am. Block 5 (see school map -click on INFORMATION […]
Uniform Shop provides a complete range of new and second-hand clothing. The Uniform Shop is open from 8:15 am to 9:15 am. Block 5 (see school map -click on INFORMATION […]
Room 4 presents their item, and Honour Certificates are awarded. All honour certificate recipients would have had an email, teacher, or SMS message sent.
The following are the arrangements for in-term-swimming lessons for Year 4-6 students. (Week 1 - 2 (WEDNESDAY 17th July to FRIDAY 26th July) at Gosnells Leisure World- 8 sessions) In-term […]
Melanie Julien-Martial, on behalf of Perth Festival, UWA, Mandy Bamford and Zoe Atkinson are conducting a project that aims to allow students to explore their relationship to the land around […]
Students in years 1 to 4 are involved in workshops and discussions about managing their health and well-being.
More information closer to the date
Students in years 1 to 4 are involved in workshops and discussions about managing their health and well-being.
Selected Year 5 & 6 students to be attending the program.
Staff Meeting Curriculum - 30th July - 3:15 to 5:15pm Staff Meeting Agenda - 14th August - 3:15-4:15pm Staff Meeting Curriculum - 29th August- 3:15 to 5:15pm
Students in years 1 to 4 are involved in workshops and discussions about managing their health and well-being.
Melanie Julien-Martial, on behalf of Perth Festival, UWA, Mandy Bamford and Zoe Atkinson are conducting a project that aims to allow students to explore their relationship to the land around […]
The Parents & Citizens' Meeting is held in the staffroom.