On Friday, 7th September Forest Crescent Primary held a Free Dress Day with the theme “Dress Like a Farmer”. This fundraiser is being held to support the charity buy a bale after the school’s Principal, Mr Holmes, received a letter by Charlotte and Cameron from Rooms 15 and 23.

Dear Mr Holmes
My name is Charlotte and I am writing to you in the hope of our school helping a needy cause. Recently my brother Cameron and I saw on the news how some farmers have been affected by the drought. We were so sad to see all the animals suffering, along with the farmers themselves having to struggle with day to day living.
We feel so lucky that we have food and water, and without our farmers and their produce we wouldn’t have much food at all. This is why we would love to help give back to our country and help the people who help put food on our tables.
We thought that with your permission it would be a great idea to hold an event to help raise some much needed funds for the farmers and their families. Cameron and I decided together we could maybe hold a free dress day with students donating a gold coin (or more if they wish) to go towards www.buyabale.com.au.
Buy A Bale helps provide bales of hay or gift cards to go towards food for farmers. We can also register online and use their gold coin donation posters to hang up around the school.
Did you know that just $20 can buy a small bale of hay including transport to a farmer in need?
We hope to hear back from you soon about our idea.
From Charlotte and Cameron

Thank you Charlotte and Cameron for thinking of this wonderful cause.

Forest Crescent Primary School is fortunate to have so many kids and families who look at positive ways to support those who may be worse off than us.

So just to let you know Forest Crescent Primary has also been active with other fundraising events, where our fundraising efforts have resulted in the following money being raised throughout 2018 so far.

  • Dress Like A Farmer Day- $865 raised
  • Daffodil Day, raising funds for the Cancer Council-  $1460 raised
  • Biggest Morning Tea, raising funds for the Cancer Council-  $734 raised
  • Book Swap Day to support Indigenous Literacy-  $810 raised
  • Free Dress Day for the Leukaemia Foundation- $468 raised
  • Pink Stumps Day- $1471 raised

So total fundraising efforts so far this year have amounted to $5808.

Well done to all families, students and staff.
