Congratulations to the Interschool Cross Country team who competed against Harrisdale, Piara Waters and Campbell Primary Schools last week.

On Friday 10 August, after a week of rain, the sun shone and our enthusiastic cross-country team accompanied Mr Miller and Ms Spencer to Homestead Park to compete in the Vale Sporting School Cross Country Competition.

Our team had been practicing hard despite some very wet days and can be commended for their team spirit and excellent sportsmanship on the day. All our students tried their best and looked absolutely exhausted when they crossed the finish line. Our team’s training and dedication was celebrated in the winning of the overall V.S.S shield for the most points in the event. We also won trophies for the top team in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.

Our team of 48 runners trained hard, with many of them participating in Ms Spencer’s Running Club on Monday mornings. Each year level from Years 3- 6 were represented by six female and six male runners and the top four finishers from each school were recorded for points.

Finally congratulations to the team who won the outright points for 2018.

Congratulations to the Year 4, 5 and 6 runners who gained the most points for our school and won their respective age groups.

We also had some fantastic individual performances with Year 3 boys winning all three top places with 1st Riley T, 2nd Jayden C, 3rd Hunter M.

The Year 4 team saw Summer C in 1st place and both Felix G and Lacey M in 4th place.

The Year 5 team had great performances from Luke D 1st, Ashton W 3rd and Tara T 4th.

The Year 6 team saw Jaun Y in 1st place and Emily N in 3rd.

A big thank you to all the parents who came along and supported the day.

Interschool Cross Country Gallery
