As a school, we seek feedback from all our school families on their capacity to undertake student learning from home in preparation for possible future school closures. Could you please complete the online form (click on the button below) as soon as possible and submit your information to the school. This will be used by the school and class teachers to shape your child’s online learning experience.

The eldest child in the family would have also brought home a copy of the form if you prefer to write in the details required. Could you please return the written form to the front office as soon as possible. Your child’s teacher will have a class form to check off your details.

If you would like to download the form (CLICK HERE) and print it out and return it to the front office.

If you would like to complete the form online then click on the button below.

Click Here to Complete the Online Form

If you have any issues with the form, click on this link Bradley Combes (Deputy Principal)
