Just to let you know Scholastic bookclub flyers will be going home with students in the next day or two.

Scholastic Bookclub is partnered with schools to provide families with an affordable and convenient way to bring literature into the home. It is not compulsory to purchase; it is just a service we provide.

Book Club also benefits our school as every Book Club order placed. Scholastic gives back 20% (10% for home deliveries) of the order spent to our school in Scholastic Rewards which we use to purchase valuable educational resources.

Bookclub orders are now solely completed online through the Loop System.

If you wish to place an order, you can order using the LOOP process. Please click on the link below to place your order:

Open Online Scholastic Australia

Books will be delivered to the school within 3-4 weeks of the closing date; this is due to the books being sent from the Eastern States.

Online ordering for Bookclub will close at the end of the day on Thursday, 18th February 2021.

Any queries, please let me know.


Mrs Carol McLagan

Bookclub Co-ordinator
