On Friday 12th November we had Sonshine FM (98.5) visit Forest Crescent Primary school to broadcast their morning program from 7.00am – 9.00am. Between 8.00am to 9.00am, the 98.5 Sonshine FM Brekkie hosts, Kirste and Dan, interviewed Mr Holmes, principal, Ms Jarvinen, Deputy Principal, Louise Parish, School Chaplain, Head Boy and Head Girl, Bailey and Lacey.

They discussed our school-based programs, such as our Sustainability initiatives, the Bike Program for our junior primary students, and the GREAT work of our school chaplain, Louise Parish, who supports our students.

The Brekkie Show provided students with a unique radio industry experience with over 140000 listeners who regularly tune in to the school program.

Mrs Parish had organised this morning radio show experience with Mrs Jensen as part of our connection to YouthCare and the chaplaincy program that Forest Crescent Primary runs. 98.5 Sonshine FM Brekkie hosts Kirste and Dan involved our students, staff and parents in an engaging morning program with all the parents who attended having free coffee and free muffins and doughnuts for the students. The school also had the children having fun in the morning sunshine playing with the school’s big board games.

It was a great morning of entertainment. The podcast of the interviews can be found below.

Interviews Podcast

(from 98.5 Sonshine FM Website Podcasts)

Picture Gallery

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge)

