Once again Forest Crescent Primary School families assisted the Good Samaritan Industries in supplying second hand toys and household items. On the 9th May all the donated goods were dropped off in the undercover area and were handed over to a representative of Good Sammy Industries at a special junior primary assembly where students were told about how their many donations, both currently and in previous years, were providing numerous benefits to the community. One benefit being that Good Sammy retails recycled goods and clothing through its 25 stores in metropolitan and regional Western Australia creating employment for people with disabilities in the retail stores themselves, and in support roles in donation collections and goods processing.

Thank you to all our parents who donated. We donated 1960 kilograms in 2018 which was about 500 kilograms more than our last year’s efforts. At the assembly we were recognised as the school who has donated the most in Western Australia this year and Mrs Rachael Spencer, Deputy Principal, received a certificate, on behalf of the school, commemorating our efforts.

Good Sammy Gallery
