The Year 4 students of Forest Crescent Primary were fortunate to participate in a tree planting project funded by State Natural Resource Management (SNRM) at Woodman Point Regional Park.

Mr Bruce Ivers coordinated the Tree Planting on behalf of the SNRM with several DBCA Parks & Wildlife Rangers on Tuesday 22nd May, with the students from Rooms 15 and 20, and on Thursday 24th May, with the students from Rooms 19 and 21.

The classes rotated between tree planting and participating in a number of environmental activities. The tree planting groups had their students given specialised roles; with one student assigned hole digging, another student the designated tree carrier, two students assigned as tree planter with the final student assembling and placing the tree guard around the hole.

The bus left the school at 8:30am, arriving at John Graham Recreation Reserve for a toilet stop before tree planting at western end of Woodman Point with the first class at 9:30am. After a brief recess, the first class resumed their tree planting, before having lunch at 11:35am-12:10pm  at the John Graham Recreation Reserve. The second class got their chance to be tree planters until they finished at 2:10pm.
Over the two days, the students needed to plant between 1,000 to 1,100 seedlings between the four classes. The seedlings had be protected from rabbits with individual cardboard guards which require two small bamboo canes.

Thanks to all the parent helpers that attended and their role as quality control inspectors throughout the tree planting; keeping the kids supplied with seedlings, canes, tree guards, rubber mallets and keeping them focused on the job.

The feedback from both students and teachers was that it was a most productive and enjoyable day.

Tree Planting Gallery
